Tips to keep away bad breath

Tips to keep away bad breath

Bad breath causes specific problems in your mouth, digestive system, sinus cavity, and respiratory system. Oral microflora is made out of hundreds of different kinds of bacteria that live in your mouth and digest the food left on your teeth. The waste produced by these bacteria is known as volatile sulfur compounds, which leads to bad breath.

What are the types of food that cause bad breath?

Some of the food items which can cause bad breath, especially during orthodontic treatment are:

  • Garlic and onions
  • Coffee 
  • Alcohol
  • Sticky foods like chocolate
  • Sweetened food items
  • Beverages with the sugar content

It is recommended to chew sugar-free gums as they remove food and dead cells from teeth, gums, and tongue. They also promote saliva production in the mouth. Other tips are as follows:

Stay Hydrated

Water cleans your mouth and produces saliva, a constant cleansing agent which also dissolves substances of food and drink. A continuous dry mouth can cause bad breath and lessen saliva production.

Brush often

It would be best if you brush twice a day using fluoride toothpaste. This helps in removing food particles and bacteria, causing bad breath. You should brush not only your teeth but also your tongue as it holds lots of bad smell and bacteria. Do not be too harsh while brushing your tongue; do it gently.


Flossing is essential as it removes plaque and bacteria that get stuck between your teeth and where it’s hard for your toothbrush to reach. If you have braces, then it will be quite tricky, but also a necessity. You would also need to floss at least once a day to keep away bad breath.

Use Mouthwash 

Mouthwash can temporarily give you a break from bad breath. But, using an antiseptic mouthwash every day helps in killing harmful bacteria. It is better to use an antiseptic mouthwash than using an ordinary mouthwash. When you buy mouthwash, look in the label for chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride, chlorine dioxide, zinc chloride, and triclosan. If you have no idea which one to choose, then take the advice of your dentist for the best results. Rinse your mouth using mouthwash and swish it around for about 30 seconds. 

Quit smoking or chewing tobacco

Bad breath might occur due to the negative effect of smoking and tobacco use. You need to strictly avoid smoking and tobacco to keep bad breath and other severe diseases like cancer away.

Schedule an appointment with Arden Dental Center to learn more about taking care of your oral health. We are located at 531 E. Roosevelt Road, Suite 100, Wheaton, IL 60187. Contact our team at (630) 529-0303 or visit our website to book a consultation.


531 E Roosevelt Road, Suite 100,
Wheaton, IL 60187

Fax: (630) 477-0483

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