Consider LANAP for your Gum Surgery

Consider LANAP for your Gum Surgery

LANAP or Laser-assisted new attachment procedure, is a dental treatment method that is used to treat gum disease in patients. It targets the source of the inflammation on the gums and stops attachment loss. The pocket depth of the gums is decreased in the process and the body is allowed to recover without sutures. It is a scientifically proven method that aids in new bone growth. 

Benefits of LANAP on Patients

  • The patient experience less pain during the treatment procedure.
  • There is less blood loss when treated through LANAP.
  • The healing period is limited after LANAP treatment.
  • Chances of infections are low compared to traditional treatment methods.
  • There is less swelling on the gums after the treatment. 
  • It offers comfort and convenience to the patients. 

What is the Procedure for LANAP?

The dentist initiates the treatment by directing the LANAP on the affected gums. There is seven pulse duration on the device, which aid in tissue interaction. Incisions are not made through the treatment procedure. The dentist may take 3-4 hours for the entire mouth for the treatment. The dentists provide after-care instructions to the patients, which help in faster recovery from the treatment. Most patients resume normal activities after one day of rest. 

How Much Does LANAP Cost?

LANAP is a cost-effective treatment offered to patients. The benefits of the treatment reflect on the expense of the procedure. The cost also depends on the area of treatment. If the area is large, it may cost more for the treatment. Dentists advise LANAP for patients who prefer faster recovery from the treatment. 


Modern technologies like LANAP have made treatments precise and efficient. The patients achieve the desired results through better treatment methods. And there are fewer risks involved in treatments that use technologies considering their accuracy. 

If you have been considering the LANAP procedure for your gum surgery, Arden Dental Center facilitates it for you. Our dentist encourages the patient to schedule a consultation to understand the patient's dental condition and to know if they are candidates for treatment using LANAP. 

Schedule an appointment with Arden Dental Center to learn more about taking care of your oral health. We are located at 531 E. Roosevelt Road, Suite 100, Wheaton, IL 60187. Contact our team at (630) 529-0303 or visit our website to book a consultation.


531 E Roosevelt Road, Suite 100,
Wheaton, IL 60187

Fax: (630) 477-0483

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